Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
76 lines
SLY13B.EXE contains the following files:
! is a header file for the LHA self extracting archeive.
!DON'Tαß.IZE ! DON'T ALPHABETIZE, or everything will become admixedicated.
SLY13CB DOX is this file.
VER____1 3CB is the official version, changed 931210.
COPYWRIG HT is the copyright notice.
(C)1993 BY is more copyright information.
DP_BYTER is author information.
BROWSE COM is a much improved TYPE. Will the author of BROWSE please stand up
README is a general explanation of how to learn to SURVEY LAND YOURSELF
REGISTER ME is the registration and order form.
WARRANTY IAM is the warranty on the software. I find it amusing.
INSTRMNT TXT explains what surveying instruments I use & what you need.
HARDWARE TXT explains what hardware I use & what you need.
SOFTWARE TXT explains what software I use & what you need.
PROFSURV TXT is a note for professional surveyors.
COLLABOR 8 invites your collaboration and feedback.
FURNERS TXT is information for customers outside of the United States.
This block moved to SLY13CA
SIY BAT will BROWSE the entire text of Survey It Yourself.
SIYPRINT BAT will send the entire text of Survey It Yourself to your printer.
SIY0 TXT is the Introduction and Table of Contents.
SIYHALF TXT teaches you compass theory & operation.
SIY1 TXT teaches you to plot a map from a land description.
SIY2 TXT teaches you to write a land description from a map.
SIY3 TXT teaches you to field survey & write a land description.
SIY4 TXT teaches you to locate points on the earth from a land description
SIY5 TXT teaches you to use topographic maps & aerial photographs.
SIY6 TXT explains the Township & Range method of land description.
SIY7 TXT teaches you about slope and its measurement.
SIY8 TXT teaches you to measure acreage.
SIY9 TXT discusses calculators & computers used for surveying.
SIY10 TXT teaches you about error and blunder. You'll make plenty of 'em.
SIY11 TXT is helpful hints for surveying in the real world.
SIY12 TXT discusses more precise surveying instruments. $$$
SIY13 TXT discusses protecting yourself from professional surveyors.
SIY14 TXT lists sources for more information & materials.
SIYG TXT is a glossary of surveying terms.
SIYB TXT is a biography of the author and a history of the method.
SIYW TXT is a dictionary of words not in my spell checker.
SIY1_C TXT teaches you to plot a map without the Silva Ranger compass.
End block of text and support files moved to SLY13CA.
CAVEMAP1 EXE is a compiled BASIC program to do the surveying arithmetic.
Requires DOS 3.+ I can supply in GWBASIC\BASICA if need be.
CAVEMAP1 DOC is instructions for using CAVEMAP1.
SIY2LINR BAS is a simple two line surveying program. It's that simple.
GRAF* CAV are Graphs 1 & 3 for Survey It Yourself. .CAV is CAVEMAP data.
TABLE* CAV are Tables 1, 2 & 3 for Survey It Yourself.
EXAMPLE* TXT are examples of land descriptions.
EXAMPLE* CAV are examples of CAVEMAP data.
RETIRE NOW questions if you are ready to retire now.
RETIRE_H ERE describes cheap land for sale in the Kentucky Boonies.
3RDWORLD TXT describes a Third World County [no sic], Wayne County Kentucky.
EARLLAND TXT describes 30 acres for sale on Lake Cumberland for $15,000.
SPECSHEE TXT lets you describe what sort of land you want me to find for you.
MAILERS TXT is a source of economical disk mailers.
SOUP TXT is the label from a can of alphabet soup.
TAXES TXT "Death and Taxes" isn't mine, but I wish it were.
TAX_DAY TXT is the poem "'Twas the Night of Tax Day" and all thru the house-
GUNSMOKE TXT introduces G. Smoke, CAVE Inc's Quality Assurance Engineer.
AMER_ENG TXT is instructions for writing in the American English Language.
ART_LIFE TXT is a warning about artificial life experiments and your computer.
MARYJANE CAT is what happens when you let the cat play with the computer.
Y TXT attempts to explain why I am giving away valuable information.
LIBRARYN TXT is a note to librarians, shareware distributors, & sysops.
CAVE BAT is the official CAVE Inc mascot.
MS_BAT TXT is the BAT file in text mode.
GO BAT introduces this disk.
DESCRIPT SLY is suggested catalog descriptions & categories.